Let me describe you a classic scenario: You picked your outfit, you finished your makeup, you know what jewelry to wear, how about shoes… ugh…

If you suffer from the symptom "I never have anything to wear", keep reading. We try to give you some helpful tips.

1. No need to match the color of your shoes to your dress

 More than color, your shoes should go with the style of the dress you are wearing. Too often, we can come up with a solution for the color mismatch.

2. The three-color rule

This basic rule avoids many problems with coordination.

  • If possible, stick to a maximum of three colors. We are talking here about your outfit, your shoes, and your accessories. We have plenty of styles in our collection that you may like, for example, Boat Neck Fit & Flare Dress in Burnout Velvet, Burgundy Color, Fully Lined
  • It is true that some women manage to get away with more colors, but generally speaking, it is not recommended.

3. One print by the look

Do not attempt to wear printed shoes if your skirt is also printed.

  • Stick to the rule of a single print by look.

4. The heel of the right height

How high should your shoe be? This answer is in the cut of the garment you are wearing.

5. The right shoe for the right occasion

It is normal not to wear the same shoes on any occasion.

  • For a chic evening, the stiletto heel is perfect.
  • In contrast, low shoes, like the sandal or ballerina, are perfect for a country picnic.
  • The opposite, even if they are beautiful shoes, may not highlight you.

Remember that the choice of the shoe must be made with respect to the circumstances in which you wear it. 

We would love to hear from you, if you have any questions or comments, please reach us out here.