It is sometimes difficult to find a balance between comfort and style, don’t you think so? So, how to dress casually and still look stylish? A dress that is a little loose and comfortable can quickly make you look like you're out in your pajamas or you have made no effort. Don’t feel guilty, we all have our "bad hair day" or in the morning feeling exhausted due to lack of sleep or staying up a little bit more partying with friends and family. Most of us skip the heels or tight clothes to be able to function more efficiently at work, meetings, kids drop off ’s,... and it makes us think how we can stay chic or stylish even with a casual outfit.

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Put on a minimum

Wear a little makeup, you don’t need layers of foundations but a little concealer, mascara or a very bright lipstick can work wonders.

Add a chic accessory

The accessories are the best friends of the minimalist and casual looks. It can be a very bright jewel, a small bag or a chic pouch, or a nice hat. When you wear a solid women's shirt or top clothes, make sure to add one piece of beautiful jewelry to break the simpleness of your outfit.

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Get a more-polished and put together look by buying clothes that are properly tailored and proportional to your body type.

If you are overweight don’t hide your body by wearing a few sizes larger. If you don’t have long legs, wear a little black dress with pockets. Long Sleeve shirts & tops are suitable for women who don’t have skinny arms,...

Carry a high-quality/leather handbag and take good care of it

Don’t waste your money buying low-quality handbag just because you can’t afford a good one.

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Adding a belt to your outfit make you more put together and polished.

Make sure your belt compliments your outfit and it doesn’t say something different from the rest of your outfit. Think of it as a piece of jewelry.